Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Cara memasang dua RAM di satu PC

Saya habis mbetulin kompi di sekolah sekaligus ngegabungin RAMnya, jadi saya sekalian aja share di sini.

RAM (Random Access Memory) adalah salah satu hardware vital komputer yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data sementara program-program komputer yang dijalankan dan akan dilanjutkan ke prosesor (CPU). Tapi satu ruang di RAM tidak dapat dipakai dua proses secara simultan, jadi jika banyak proses yang berjalan di komputer maka... RAM akan semakin penuh. Jika RAM penuh, proses-proses selanjutnya akan menunggu giliran ketika suatu proses sudah kelar. Yah, RAM memang mirip WC umum aja, bedanya nggak ada urinal-nya. :)

Nah, kalo ada user yang suka kerja + facebook-an + ngedit foto + ngegame + nyetel musik, atau sambil buffer video orang 'pacaran' (nggak kali ya?), biasanya RAM akan kepenuhan dan biasanya juga sebentar-sebentar nge-freeze. Untuk menanggulangi masalah beginian maka diperlukan RAM total yang semakin banyak.

Jadi belilah RAM yang lebih gede ukurannya.

Tapi kalo usernya buka PB + CS + Chrome + Firefox + MS Word + MS Excel + WMP + FLV + cmd + regedit + dll, walau RAM nya udah 8096 MB (widih..) pun komputer masih "dit, dit, dit", maka RAMnya (ato barangkali CPU, hehehe) ga kuat.

Jadi belilah dua RAM.

Caranya begini :
  1. Beli RAM di Ebay, Walmart, Toys R US (bukan) atau apalah... asal kecepatan dan kapasitas RAMnya sama (kalo persis lebih baik.).
  2. User siapin obeng, blower sama vacuum cleaner kalo perlu... (becanda, blower itu cukup)
  3. User matiin komputernya, power supply sama voltage stabilizer / UPS nya dimatiin juga kalo perlu. Buka tutup chassis dengan cara ngecopot mur di pinggirnya, lalu tarik.
  4. Pastikan tangan user kering.
  5. Kalo chassis kotor, tiup pake blower. Kalo kotor parah banget sampai debu mengendap (idih...) lepas semua kabel dan hardware, bersihin satu-satu. (Jangan pake air kalo ngga mau konslet.)
  6. Kan di chassis nya ada RAM satu itu nyantol, biarin aja. Sekarang cek apakah slot RAM satunya ngunci (ke dalam) apa nggak. Kalo ngunci buka aja, dorong kuncinya dari dalem ke luar.
  7. Masukin RAM dari dua sisi secara seimbang.
  8. Dorong satu sisi sambil ngedorong kuncinya ke dalem, sampai ada bunyi 'ceklek' atau kunci udah kelihatan masuk 'lobang' di pinggir.
  9. Lakukan di sisi satunya.
  10. Kalo udah tutup lagi chassis nya, pasang lagi murnya.
  11. Nyalain kompi user.
  12. Ketika booting + login udah kelar, tunggu sebentar, driver RAM sedang diinstall.
 Note :
  • Pengalaman, satu RAM 1024 MB lebih baik daripada dua RAM 512 MB.
  • Satu RAM 1024 MB jauh lebih baik daripada ketika ditambahi satu RAM 512 MB.
  • Kalau ada teori (temen saya yg bilang) dua RAM bikin prosesnya dobel, itu SALAH.
"Dua RAM lebih baik."
-BKKBN, dengan perubahan 

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Virut Virus : To Infect or not to Infect

Virut is a goddamn pretty old malware that injects .exe files. It can be cleaned easily, but the cleaned file will be infected in no time because of it's quick-spreading ability. It will spread as soon as you download it's virus code or plug an infected flash drive.

Warning : it's thrice as difficult as Ramnit to clean, but onr third as difficult as Ramnit to be fully cleaned.

It's main goal is to get some information from the infected computers. To reach that goal, it would do anything to do it, even if there's no information to get. Usually Virut will inject a host program, put a code in it, so whenever the program is executed, the Virut will be executed first. To make sure the Virut is always exists in the system, it will inject Winlogon.exe first. After that Virut blocks the program from the user, then 'rides' its victim. In another words, you're f***ed.

My friend and i were ROFL after we saw "cmd.exe is infected by W32.Virut."

Virut will turn off your antivirus. Aaaand.. it seems to blocking access to antivirus sites. Then it usually sends you SPAMs.Like other viruses, yeah, backdoor. Once your computer is incapacitated, Virut will open that backdoor thing, and starts downloading and/or running your files by using proxima.irc.pl IRC address. Unfortunately it doesn't have a mother/exploit to spread.

How to clean
Well, use Kaspersky's Virut Killer. Find it in the Kaspersky's webpage, from an internet cafe or something. Scan twice, restart, and scan once. Because i don't always trust free things from Kaspersky, i don't trust this one either. If you have some cash, buy the Kaspersky Antivirus, and run a full scan. Or just use Dr.Web CureIt! In my previous post.

Or read this, if you can handle it.

If everything else fails, fully uninstall and replace your programs with a new one. To make sure, make sure that you UNINSTALL first, then reintall them. I'm so sorry if there's any paid applications on your computer.

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Immunizing Flash Drives from Ramnit

Immunizing Flash Drives from Ramnit

 You probably ever heard of Ramnit. It's a persistent and potentially dangerous rootkit, worm, spyware, virus which attacks Windows OS and injects .exe and .html files.This Ramnit, usually infect flash drives almost instantly after the drive is inserted into the infected computers, and infect clean computers from the flash drive (in case of you dont understand vice versa here.). It also can deploy backdoors.

First, i will explain it's characteristics to make you understand better.
If you aren't too pleasant with these, skip it.
  • The Mother of Ramnit is the Watermark.exe. It's located on C:\Program Files\Microsoft and very hard to get rid of it.
  • Ramnit always creates random-named .exe files in infected flash drives' RECYCLER folder
  • Ramnit also creates persistent Copy of Shorcut to (1) to (4) files, in the flash drives from the RECYCLER.
  • Creates a duplicate file with "mgr" in it's name of infected .exe files.
  • Runs browser in background.
  • Makes your computer can't be trusted again.
  • Blocks Flash Drive access and changes it's icon into a folder icon.
To immunize your Flash Drive, first we need to clean it first. Cleaning it can be done by cleaning any computer with the drive inserted. PCMAV's Ramnit killer can kill 98++ percent of those viruses.
  • To download it, click here.
  • Note : Run in safe mode, i recommend from a CD-ROM to avoid injection.
  • Cut every internet connection you have. That includes LAN or everything else.
  • Avoid doing contact with your computer, as few as possible.
  • Restart.
  • Rescan twice or thrice after restarting while still in safe mode.
  • Search for "file infected" in it's log.
  • Erase the designated files (if any)
Then, use Dr.Web CureIt! Live CD as a second line of defense.
  • To download it, click here.
  • Burn it to a CD, obviously on a clean / non-Windows computer.
  • Boot the computer using the CD.
  • Choose "Dr.Web LiveCD (Default)"
  • Wait until the interface shows up.
  • Choose the location of drive that you want to scan, and make sure you have checked “Scan subdirectories” option. If Dr.Web Scanner screen doesn't show up double click Dr.Web Scanner on the desktop.
  • Start scan by clicking start.
  • Wait until the scanning is finished.
  • Clean the viruses by selecting all the infected files then click cure button.
  • Rescan the computer.
Now, let's assume your computer is nearly clean (Watermark doesn't present, Copy of Shortcut to doesn't appear,et cetera) and Ramnit's won't affect your computer too much. Because, (I hate to say this) Ramnit can be cleaned 100% only by formatting your computer. Yeah, i mean every single drive, partition, every file, every byte, every bit.

Now, as promised, WE'LL IMMUNIZE THE DRIVES!!! +immunizing the computer from the mother too.
These tips won't repel the Ramnit completely, and newer versions of Ramnit that haven't been encountered probably can bypass it.

Tip #1 - Killing the Branch.
You can erase the RECYCLER and Copy of Shortcut to's simultaneously. (This may clean the drive at a very, very low odds.) This will buy some seconds of time. Then create their dummy files, so Ramnit won't be able to infect them. You can do this by creating five extensionless files and rename them into RECYCLER and Copy of Shortcut to's.

You can also make the RECYCLER folder read-only using HxD.
  • Download here.
  • Run HxD.
  • Open disk and select the flash drive. Don't check "Open as read only".
  • Ctrl - F and search for RECYCLER.
  • Change the value in the 5th row (from right) from 00 to 60.
  • Ctrl - S (save).
 Tip #2 - Autorun
You can also protect the autorun.inf, using HxD too.
  • Run HxD.
  • Open disk and select the flash drive. Don't check "Open as read only".
  • Ctrl - F and search for autorun.inf.
  • Change the value in the 5th row (from right) from 20 to 40.
  • Ctrl - S (save).
Tip #3 - The Root of Them All
Kill the mother, get rid of her sons. C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Watermark.exe won't be erased easily, so use RamnitKiller or file deleter sware like FileAssassin, etc.. Once the mother is dead, create a dummy of it with .exe as its extension. Better do this in Safe Mode.

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